John Wesley took the call of Christ to heart. He went onto the highways to proclaim the gospel with great blessing from God. It is in Wesley’s view that we reach out into the community to youth. For when we spend time living as Christ calls with others, they cannot help but see a living witness. Our view is changed from a service or a job but to a parish: Our lives the sermon, our praise the hymns, and our prayers the invocation of God. We do not fish with bait we like but with the bait the fish like. So, it is with youth. Fish with a program that opens the door to fellowship and growth and program which challenges and stretches. A place with absolute acceptance and yet expectation. A place… to be and be seen. That is what our community youth outreach ministry does. It becomes the church for many who would never come in otherwise. Our parish is in the camp and beyond. We take youth to hear the rocks cry out. It is not camping but amping!