Spiritual Growth - Camp Is My Parish

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Spiritual Growth

To live requires growth. Spiritual growth must be intentional. The comfort of arriving in relationship with God can lull many into routine or complacency. It is a moment of having strained the muscles and traveled the path to arrive at the mountain top. While there we communed with a heightened view. The mountain top is not a place to remain. We must travel to the valleys, towns, and cities to share. We must be growing individually to be able to help others grow. There will be seasons when we are the ones who are helped as well. Preparation for the time when we carry the load and willingness to allow others to help is a process. Join us as we learn together. We will connect moments on the trail, rest spots, and views to the everyday service. God speaks through it all. We grow when we listen.

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The Journey of Faith

We help you along the journey.

  • Studies and questions for individual growth
  • Examples of ways to connect faith openly to your service
  • Opportunities to connect and fellowship with others
  • Examining the call and its application
  • Services & Faith

    As James 2:18 reminds us, “Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works." The service itself is a good thing but without God’s calling, it is only a good thing. We help you to engage in God things.

  • Fellowship

    Ecclesiastes reminds us, “Moreover, an attacker may defeat someone who is alone, but two can resist him; and a three-stranded cord is not easily broken.” While we will face trials and challenges during our journey, together those trails become another waypoint instead of defeat.

  • Courage to Share

    The point of growing is not to keep it to yourself. It is to dialogue. Learning to share your faith and growth inspires others. You may be the only witness of Christ someone sees in their life. Are you bold enough to be that witness?